
Support our mining industry

Will you support our mining families?

Getting a mining project approved is harder than ever.

Just recently, government policies and legal activism have stopped two major mining projects in NSW from going ahead.

In Blayney near Orange: the Federal Government’s decision to block the McPhillamys Gold Mine has killed off 800 local jobs and $1 billion in investment for our state.

And at Lue near Mudgee: 550 potential regional jobs have been put at risk after the NSW Court of Appeal ruled in favour of activists seeking to block the Bowdens Silver Project.

Mining has strong support in our regional communities, and thousands of hard working families rely on mining as an economic driver for our state.

That’s why it is so important that politicians and bureaucrats hear from people like you, who support a strong mining industry and the benefits mining delivers to our state.

Sign the petition now and make your voice heard!


Dear Federal and State Political Leaders

The mining industry is an important economic driver for our state.

But government policies and legal activism are making it harder than ever for new mining projects to get approved.

We, the undersigned, call upon all governments to recognise the importance of the mining industry.

We call upon all governments to ensure the mining industry remains strong.

And we call upon all governments to support NSW mining families with a fairer system for assessment of mining projects, to ensure our regions continue to benefit from the jobs, investment and royalties that mining delivers.

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