
Radical protesters putting themselves in harms way

Sun, November 17, 2024

Safety is paramount for our industry.  It’s one of the main reasons why it’s so concerning when radical protesters put the safety of themselves and others at risk through illegal protest activity.

This month we’ll again see protesters, coordinated by an organisation called ‘Rising Tide’, take to the water in kayaks and other small boats in their annual symbolic ‘blockade’ of the Port of Newcastle.  

While the organisers of this protest pitch it as a time of ‘family fun’, the reality is these are the same extremists with a history of blocking coal trains, trespassing on mining operations, putting themselves and others at risk, including Police and Emergency Services personnel.

Just a few months ago, another radical protest group was responsible for coordinating a range of dangerous and illegal activities along the Hunter rail line, disrupting trains for ten days. While some coal trains to the Port were impacted, over 800 passenger trains were also cancelled, with an associated massive inconvenience for many locals.

The radical protesters seem to have no problem causing such inconvenience, and regularly putting the lives of protesters and emergency service personnel at risk. And although they have applied for a police permit for the upcoming port blockade protest, it’s highly likely they will breach any permit conditions placed upon them, just as they did last year. 

As a result, more people will be put at risk, including the Police and Emergency Services personnel trying to enforce the law and keep people safe. 

Industry leaders have been engaging with the NSW Government in an attempt to highlight these risks. It’s also time for a legislative framework to be put in place that will force protesters who deliberately break the law to pay any related costs incurred by Police, and for the damage any of their illegal actions cause.

Stephen Galilee
CEO, NSW Minerals Council

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