
Take Action

Current campaigns

We’re raising our Voice to champion you… The people who make mining what it is.

Anti-mining activists are always making their voices heard. That’s why we need people like you, who support mining and the good things it delivers to NSW to make your voice loud and clear.

Support our mining industry

2943 people signed
2,942 submissions
3,000 goal

Government policies and legal activism have stopped several major mining projects in NSW from going ahead. We’re calling on all governments to support NSW mining families with a fairer system for mining approvals, to ensure our regions benefit from the jobs, investment and royalties that mining delivers.

Sign the Petition

Voice for Mining is your voice


For more than 200 years, the NSW mining industry has created jobs and opportunities for thousands of families across our state.

We’re raising our Voice to champion you. The families, businesses and communities that rely on mining for their livelihoods. The people who make mining what it is.

Join Voice for Mining today and have your Voice counted by decision-makers in support of mining and mining jobs in NSW. We are louder together.

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